My Peter Rowan Arc  © 2018 by Fred Robbins

After learning that John Rossbach would be interviewing Peter Rowan
at Grey Fox 2018's Creekside Stage where I record video as a volunteer,
I looked back at the 5 decades (so far) that Peter's influenced my bluegrass journey.

Fincastle 1966 - with Bill Monroe & The Bluegrass Boys

Richard Greene, Lamar Grier, Bill Monroe, Peter Rowan

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Country Gentlemen Festival 1972

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Berkshire Mountains Festival 1980

Lamar Grier, Tex Logan, Roger Mason, Peter Rowan, Amanda Rowan, Barry Mitterhoff

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Tex Logan's 85th Birthday 2012


After the party I found out my Berkshire 1980 photo was on the cake!

(Photo by Mark Sukoenig)

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Video (4 hours)

Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival 2018 Interview by John Rossbach
I recorded as an official volunteer.

After the interview
I got to share the above "old" photos with very gracious Peter.
(And he remembered the Berkshire 1980 photo!)

(Photo by Steve Ide)

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