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As of May 15, 12 noon:




  East Fishkill Town Board

May 2002

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:


East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan


Related Code Amendments

Lead Agency:

Town of East Fishkill
332 Route 376
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Contact Person:

Peter Idema, Supervisor
Town of East Fishkill

Prepared By:

Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc.

Applicant: None: Direct Action

Town of East Fishkill
332 Route 376
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Date DGEIS Accepted: _______________________________________________

Date of Public Hearing: _______________________________________________

Closing Date of Comment Period: _______________________________________

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments


1.0 INTRODUCTION                                                                                          1

1.1 Adoption of Comprehensive Plan and Related Zoning Amendments                1

1.2 Comprehensive Plan History                                                                            10

1.3 Purpose of the Proposed Actions                                                                     11

1.4 Public Need and Benefits                                                                                 11

1.5 List of Involved and Interested Agencies                                                         11

1.6 Content of the DGEIS                                                                                      12

2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND IMPACTS                                       13

2.1 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy                                                                13

2.2 Transportation                                                                                                  15

2.3 Natural Features                                                                                               17

2.4 Community Services                                                                                        19

2.5 Cultural Resources                                                                                           23

2.6 Social and Economic Considerations                                                               23

3.0 MITIGATION                                                                                                24

4.0 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS                                                    25

4.1 Irreversible/irretrievable Commitment of Resources                                       25

4.2 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts                                                  25

4.3 Growth-inducing, Cumulative, and Secondary impacts                                     25

4.4 Energy Use and Conservation                                                                           25

5.0 ALTERNATIVES                                                                                           25

5.1 No Action Alternative: 1982 Comprehensive Plan Stays in Effect                    25

6.0 SUBSEQUENT SEQR ACTIONS                                                                 26

7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                            27

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments


Figure 1 1982 Future Land Use Plan Map                                                 2

Figure 2 2002 Future Land Use Plan Map                                                 3

Figure 3 Potential Future Roads in Hopewell junction                                8

Figure 4 School District Map                                                                   21


Table 1 Potential Residential Units, 1982 Plan & 2002 Plan                         4

Table 2 Potential Commercial & Industrial Square Feet,
1982 Plan & 2002 Plan                                                                              5

Table 3 Proposed Densities in Hamlet Centers, 1982 Plan & 2002 Plan      13

Table 4 Hopewell Junction Build-Out and Peak Hour Trips,
1982 and 2002 Plans                                                                                 16

Table 5 Potential Build-Out and Peak Hour Trips, 1982 and 2002 Plans      17

Table 6 School Capacity and Enrollment                                                     20

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments


1.1 Adoption of Comprehensive Plan and Related Zoning Amendments

The "Proposed Action" discussed in this DGEIS consists of two actions:

1) Adoption by the East Fishkill Town Board of the new Comprehensive Plan

2) Adoption of local laws that implement recommendations set forth in the new Plan.
The 2002 Comprehensive Plan would replace the existing 1982 Plan. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan updates the population and land use figures from the 1982 Plan and recommends new courses of action for future development. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan seeks to reduce the rate of new residential construction and to lower the potential population build-out of the Town. The proposed Comprehensive Plan also recommends design changes that allow greater creativity and flexibility in order to promote superior planning and promote community values, including affordable housing.

In order to accomplish these goals, the 2002 Plan recommends the following actions that have the effect of slowing residential growth in East Fishkill:

*Reduce densities in centers. The 1982 Plan and the 2002 Comprehensive Plan advocate the importance of centers within the Town. These centers consolidate commercial areas, offer diverse residential choices, and promote alternative transportation means such as walking and bicycling. The 1982 Plan (Figure 1) recommended densities of 2-3 units/acre in outlying centers and between 2-6 units/acre within Hopewell Junction. The 2002 Plan (Figure 2) reduces the outlying centers to 1-2 units/acre and 2-4 units in Hopewell Junction.

*Establish two new zones: R-1.5 and R-3. The Comprehensive Plan recommends a new residential zone for large, undeveloped areas, including agricultural areas (R-1.5, one and one-half acre per residential unit) and one for the mountainous southeasterly corner of East Fishkill (R-3, three acres/unit), which includes portions of the New York City Watershed.

*Eliminate the Planned Residential Development (PRD) Zone. The PRD zone is currently mapped on the Twin Creeks property, near Hopewell Junction. The Master Plan recommends changing this property to Conservation Residential Development (CRD), which has a maximum density of four units/acre, rather than 6 units/acre allowed within the PRD zone.

*Discount environmentally sensitive areas 50%. This Plan recommends limiting that sensitive areas, including floodplains, wetlands, and steep slopes over 20%, be counted toward required lot area and FAR at 50% of actual acreage.

Slowing growth, however, may have the effect of putting upward pressure on the sale price of homes within East Fishkill. Table 3.3 of the Comprehensive Plan shows that East Fishkill, with an average sale price of $254,647, was second only to Pawling for having the highest average sale price in the second half of 2001. Slowing growth may cause this figure to rise further, putting homes outside the reach of many homebuyers. Residential sale prices would be expected to rise throughout the town, in all residential zones, impacting the entire community.

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Map - Conceptual Land Use Plan

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Map - Future Land Use Plan - Left side

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Map - Future Land Use Plan - Right side

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

As a result of the potential adverse impacts to sale prices and therefore housing affordability in all the residential zones, the Town is proposing an incentive to developers to provide affordable housing, defined as housing units affordable to households earning the median income for Dutchess County, as defined by the US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) office. The affordable housing incentive would allow a developer to construct in additional one and one-half (1.5) market rate units for each affordable housing unit s/he constructs.

The following table quantifies the potential housing unit "build-out" following the recommendations and goals of the 1982 and the 2002 Comprehensive Plans. The 2002 Future Land Use plan (Figure 2) recommends reducing the maximum allowable densities from the 1982 Plan (Figure 1). Table I shows that by reducing the maximum allowable densities within the center, 925 fewer residential units could be built.

Table I also quantifies the reduction in housing units by zone. In planning terms, this is known as a "theoretical saturation estimate." It assumes that all developable land is developed according to the density ranges allowed by the Plan. This number is completely theoretical as no town ever reaches a point where all the land is built-out. For purposes of calculating the impact of the incentive affordable bonus on housing units, we have assumed a scenario where 75% of 6,390 subtotal units would be built within subdivisions that do not take advantage of the bonus incentive. Of the remaining 1,595 units that could ultimately be built, we estimate that 10% of those units (160) may be built as affordable units, allowing a housing bonus of 160 multiplied by 1.5, or 240 additional units. The recommendations in the 2002 Plan effectively reduce the potential number of homes within Town by approximately 2,380 units, though the affordable housing incentive could reduce that number to 2,140 fewer housing units.

TABLE I Potential Residential Units 1982 Plan 2002 Plan Densities in Centers 2,975 2,155 Residential Zones R-1/3 220 200 R-1 6,000 3,750 R-1.5 N/A 1,650 R-2 1,750 400 R-3 N/A 1,050 PRD 270 N/A CRD N/A 240 Subtotal 8,240 7,290 Discount Environ. Sensitive Lands N/A -950 Subtotal 8,490 6,340 Affordable Housing Bonus Incentive N/A 240 Total 8,490 6,580


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Two thousand one hundred forty fewer residential units translate ultimately into fewer people and fewer cars on the road. The average household size in East Fishkill, according to the 2000 Census, was 3.1 0 persons. Therefore, the reduction of approximately 2,140 housing units equals approximately 6,635 fewer town residents and at least 2,140 fewer cars, under an ultimate development scenario.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan recommends changes to the existing business and commercial zones in Town, which affects the "theoretical saturation build-out" for commercial and industrial zones.

*Establish Commercial Floor Area Ratios (FAR). The Comprehensive Plan recommends establishing FARs for the B-1 and B-2 commercial zones of 0.35.

*Establish Industrial FARS. The proposed Plan recommends establishing a standard Floor Area Ratio of 0.25 for all industrial zones and for the PRDP and PCP zones.

Table 2 highlights the potential impact of adopting the new FARS. The amount of commercial and industrial square footage that could be built would be reduced by approximately 3.7 million square feet. This represents a reduction of approximately 25% from its present level. The reduction of 3.3 million square feet is largely hypothetical. At present, it is not feasible to exceed an FAR of 0.40 and still meet other standards of the zoning code, particularly parking and landscaping. Because surface parking takes up so much land area, the only way to effectively exceed 0.35 is to build structured parking (i.e. parking garages). The current values of real estate in East Fishkill do not support structured parking. It costs approximately $10-12,000/space to provide parking in a garage as

TABLE 2 Potential Commercial and Industrial Square Feet 1982 Plan 2002 Plan -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Developable Max. Lot Potential Developable FAR Potential Zone Acres Coverage Square Feet Zone Acres Square Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-1 160 0.40 2,787,000 B-1 160 0.35 2,400,000 B-2 2 0.40 34,850 B-2 2 0.35 26,000 PRDP 15 0.40 261,360 PRDP 35 0.25 380,000 PCP 20 0.30 261,360 PCP 39 0.25 424,710 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal 197 3,344,570 23 3,230,710 1-1 450 0.25 5,400,000 1-1 450 0.25 3,375,000 1-1S 155 0.25 1,900,000 1-1S 155 0.25 1,200,000 1-2 15 0.25 175,000 1-2 15 0.25 110,000 1-3 100 0.25 1,130,000 1-3 100 0.25 700,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal 720 8,605,000 720 5,385,000 TOTAL 917 11,949,570 956 8,615,710


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

opposed to $2,500-$3,000/space with surface parking. The town does not wish to encourage structured parking as it detracts from the rural landscape.

Thus the FAR controls will encourage environmentally sensitive future development without unduly inhibiting sound commercial and industrial growth. A decline in the amount of floor space indicates that there will be a decline in the theoretical, potential number of workers in East Fishkill. Over the long-term, it will take

Nevertheless, using a standard of one worker per 200 square feet for commercial/office square footage suggests that the town will have 600 fewer hypothetical jobs (1 6,722 versus 1 6,150). Likewise, for the industrial sector, assuming a standard of one worker per 500 square feet of floor space, the Town will have 6,500 fewer industrial jobs (I 7,21 0 versus 10,770). The decrease in floor space could lead to a possible, long-term reduction in the Town's tax receipts by a proportional amount. However, the Town will not absorb this much construction in the next ten or twenty years. These figures represent a guideline for long-term growth.

Fewer workers mean that there would likely be fewer cars on the road as well, although many of last Fishkill residents work in other communities. Traffic has become an increasingly important issue to residents. In order to accommodate the increase in vehicles and improve traffic flow throughout the Town, the 2002 Comprehensive Plan proposes that the Town begin planning for the future construction of:

*New Roadways. Conceptual locations of new East-West and North-South bypass roads are proposed for the Hopewell Junction area (Figure 3). The intersection of NYS Routes 82 and 376 is particularly congested and creates excessive delays for motorists. Because of existing commercial development along these roads, a bypass alternative is the most workable solution. The specific location of these roads would be determined after a detailed site-specific environmental analysis.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan continues the three underlying concepts of Centers, Clusters, and Conservation from the 1982 Plan.

•Centers. The 2002 Plan recognizes that the Town of East Fishkill has just completed a pedestrian study for Hopewell Junction and the 2002 Plan has a specific section relating to streetscape and traffic improvements within the hamlet center.The Plan calls for the increased use of water and sewer service districts where appropriate and practical.

•Clusters. The Plan strongly advocates the use of cluster residential developments as a way to improve the layout, roads, infrastructure costs, views, and aesthetics of future developments.

•Conservation. The Plan notes that East Fishkill has elected to become a member of the Dutchess County Greenway Connections program and encourages development and design in keeping with Greenway guidelines. The 2002 Plan also recommends using overlay districts to conserve agricultural land within East Fishkill and to conserve scenic views within the Town,especially along image- making corridors Such as the Taconic State Parkway.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

The Town will need additional parkland to accommodate additional residents, and the Plan advocates linear parks and the conversion of rail rights-of-way to linear parks. These trails should be integrated with surrounding towns and form an interconnected recreational network.

Adopting the new 2002 Comprehensive Plan does not implement the goals and recommendations of the Plan. Individual laws must be written and then adopted by the Town Board to implement the Plan's objectives. Local laws that accompany the 2002 Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of implementing the Plan's objectives include the following:

• Join the Greenway Compact. The Town has considered the guides in Greenway Connections and finds that its proposed Comprehensive Plan is congruent and consistent with the guides and that the design principles are consistent with Town policy.

• Discount Environmentally Sensitive Land 50%. This law defines environmentally sensitive lands as wetlands, floodplains, and steep slopes over 20%. These lands have development constraints and should therefore not have the same density calculation as other soil types.

• Affordable Housing. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan recommends an affordable housing policy in response to comments received at the public workshop and community meetings that many residents find it difficult to continue to live within East Fishkill.

• Create and Map the R-3 Zone. The R-3 zone (meaning three acres for each newly created residential lot) is proposed for the mountainous, southeasterly corner of East Fishkill. The hillside here is visible from many parts of the Town, and a portion of the land falls within the New York City Watershed. The environmentally -sensitive nature of the area, and the lack of public water and sewer utilities lend itself to low densities.

• Create and Map the R-1.5 Zone. The R-1.5 zone would require one and one-half acres for each new residential lot. The R-1.5 zone is proposed for existing large, open, undeveloped areas. At present, many of these areas are agricultural. These lands are well suited for large developments because they often contain significant amounts of acreage, they are often cleared and fairly level.

The R-1.5 zone could be extended to other non-agricultural parcels that have the same general characteristics. The purpose of the zone is to encourage new residential developments to cluster down to smaller lots to preserve open space.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Map - Possible Layout of future road extensions

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

•Establish Standards for "Minor Local Roads." The existing road standards slightly constrain design flexibility within the Town. These standards will promote safe and efficient roadways, while also promoting superior planning for new roadways.

• Conservation Residential Development (CRD) Text Amendments. The following modifications to the existing CRD zone are proposed:
*Allow Multi-family dwellings within the CRD zone.
*Require 10% of the units be affordable housing within the CRD
*Reduce the minimum lot size for single-family homes.
*Eliminate the shadow plan from the development plan requirements.

• Amend the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations for Cluster Subdivisions. This law would reinforce the Town's encouragement of cluster subdivisions. The law would allow large-scale cluster subdivisions (100 acres or more) to provide limited commercial retail space (up to 10,000 square feet) to promote neighborhood centers, community character, and reduce unnecessary traffic trips to larger retail centers. It clarifies the law regarding buffers around a cluster development. And it sets forth new lot sizes and yard setback lines for newly created lots in cluster subdivisions and new road standards.

•Repealing the Provisions on Average Density Subdivisions. Average density subdivisions are allowed within the existing R-2 zone. These types of subdivisions allow developers to cluster lots without conforming to the cluster subdivision ordinance and should therefore be eliminated.

•Laws Amending Provisions Relating to Residential Zones. This law establishes standards for newly created flag lots; establishes text for common driveways; controls large commercial vehicles parking in residential areas; and it creates a 100-foot setback for all structures from the Taconic State Parkway and Interstate 84.

•Rezone the Planned Residential Development (PRD) Property to Conservation

Residential Development (CRD). Only one property remains within the Town of East Fishkill that is zoned PRD. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan has reduced the allowable density from 6 to 4 units to the acre within Hopewell Junction and thus the property should be rezoned to conform to the new Plan.

• Amend the Provisions Relating to Commercial and Industrial Zones. This law establishes a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.25 for all PCP, PRDP, 1-1, 1-1 S, 1-2, and 1-3 zoning districts. It establishes an FAR of 0.35 for the B-1 and B-2 zoning districts. It eliminates the PSN zone, which was never mapped.


Draft Generic Environmental impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

This Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) is prepared under Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8, known as the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law, to evaluate potential significant impacts of the Plan and zoning law amendments.

A generic EIS is more general and conceptual than the kind of site-specific EIS that is written for an individual development project or municipal action. A generic EIS considers broad-based actions or groups of actions, such as a set of Comprehensive Plan recommendations that an agency or municipality will approve, fund or directly undertake.

The broad focus of a generic EIS aids in the identification and analysis of municipal-wide and cumulative effects of the actions. Thus, this generic EIS for the Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments addresses the town-wide impacts of plan recommendations and not localized, site-specific impacts.

1.2 Comprehensive Plan History The Town of East Fishkill is roughly 57 square miles in the southwest corner of Dutchess County, approximately 75 driving miles north of New York City. Interstate 84 and the Taconic State Parkway intersect in East Fishkill and provide convenient access to Putnam and Westchester Counties, New York City, and Albany. Given East Fishkill's location within the New York Metropolitan Region, the Town is experiencing considerable pressure for development that will continue into the foreseeable future.

East Fishkill has traditionally been a rural community. Beginning in the 1970s and I 980s, East Fishkill saw significant new residential growth in large part due to convenient highway access and proximity to suburban employment centers, including office park developments such as IBM. Today, East Fishkill strives to achieve a balance between preserving the landscape of its rural past and permitting additional suburban development. As many of the farms and orchards give way to development of residential subdivisions, the Town must respond to the increase in development pressures. These issues include rising population, increased traffic, demand for parks and recreation, and the need to examine the adequacy of local facilities and services.

Confronted by significant social and economic changes, in 1996 the Town Board began a review of the 1982 Master Plan and decided to prepare a new master plan. The Town Board established a Master Plan Steering Committee to guide the direction of the new plan.

In June 1997, the Town mailed survey forms to a representative sample of residents. The purpose of the survey was to elicit community opinion on a wide variety of topics ranging from transportation to issues of agricultural, commercial and industrial land uses. The survey results were released in October 1997.

In April 1999, the first of a series of Planning Workshops was held at the Town Hall. The workshop reviewed the survey findings and offered citizens the opportunity to voice their opinion about the direction and content of the Plan. The majority of the comments could be grouped under the headings of Land Use and Economic Development, Environment, and Transportation.

In April and May of 2000, additional public workshops were conducted. Three workshops Were held at various times to allow a cross-section of the public to attend at least one of


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

the workshops. At these public meetings, the completed Draft Comprehensive Plan was unveiled for the first time. Many people who attended the workshops spoke out on a variety of topics, including affordable housing, transportation, community facilities, and residential zoning. After these workshops, the Comprehensive Plan was revised again based upon community input. During 2001 and 2002 the Draft was updated to include material addressing the Taconic State Parkway closings, the Pedestrian Plan in Hopewell junction done in conjunction with the County, and the biodiversity study done by Hudsonia.

1.3 Purpose of the Proposed Actions

The Comprehensive Plan for the Town of East Fishkill serves to provide a coordinated set of general policies and recommendations for guiding the course of future decisions affecting land use, environmental conservation, public facilities, and traffic circulation.

The Plan seeks to guide the Town's development over the next ten years. The purpose of adopting a new plan is to update and revise the existing plan in order to respond to recent issues that have emerged as a result of increased development. The plan describes existing local conditions and trends within the context of wider regional trends, constraints and opportunities.

1.4 Public Need and Benefits

All Comprehensive Plans must be updated to reflect changing goals, objectives, and conditions, and to provide for current and projected needs. Since 1982, the Town has added approximately 7,000 residents, an increase of close to 40%. There is a need for East Fishkill to update its Comprehensive Plan to better manage the population growth that has occurred and which is expected to continue. If all residential land in Town were built out, the population could increase by 20,000 people for a population of 45,000. Issues must be addressed in response to increased development pressures, increased transportation demadis caused by newly built subdivisions, and increased usage of utilities such as public water and sewer.

The benefit of adopting and implementing the plan will be to set policy guidelines to address the needs of East Fishkill residents, as the Town continues its growth and development. Based upon updated demographic and land use studies, as well as recent community participation, the 2002 Comprehensive Plan presents recommendations for future actions regarding residential, commercial and industrial development, open space, transportation, community facilities, cultural resources and social and economic policy.

1.5 List of Involved and Interested Agencies

The adoption of the Town's Comprehensive Plan and related Code Amendments are direct actions being undertaken by the Town Board in accordance with subdivision 4, section 272-a of the New York State Town Law. The only agency with jurisdiction to approve the Comprehensive Plan is the Town Board and therefore it functions as the lead agency. The Dutchess County Planning Department is considered an involved agency because it has advisory reviews for any action within 500 feet of another municipality and state and


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

county facilities. The following is a list of interested agencies that the Town Board also wished to be consulted:
*The Planning Board of the Town of East Fishkill
*The Town of East Fishkill Conservation Advisory Committee
*Dutchess County Farm and Horne Center
*New York State Department of Transportation (DOT)
*NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

1.6 Contents of the DGEIS

This DGEIS contains a summary of existing Town conditions, the Comprehensive Plan recommendations including related zoning change text, the potential environmental impacts and proposed mitigations (if any), cumulative impacts, growth-inducing impacts, commitment of resources, alternatives, and guidelines and criteria for future site-specific actions.

The alternative considered in this DGEIS is the No Action Alternative. That would continue the existing zoning as specified in the 1982 Plan. Throughout the DGEIS, when potential impacts are considered, the comparison is made between the proposed Comprehensive Plan and the No Action Alternative.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments


2.1 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy

Adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan for the Town will continue some of the goals and priorities from the previous Plan, as well as establish new ones. The new recommendations, such as new, lower density residential zones and lower Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for new commercial and industrial development are anticipated to have beneficial impacts. Similarly, the Code Amendments that accompany this Plan support the more restrictive land use, zoning, and policy goals set forth in the 2002 Plan and should therefore have beneficial impacts as well.

Comparing the Future Land Use map from the 1982 Plan with the Future Land Use Map of the 2002 Plan highlights the lower densities proposed in the 2002 Plan. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan proposes two new zones (R-1.5 and R-3) that, when mapped, will lower densities throughout the Town. The R-1.5 zone is proposed for agricultural areas of Town and large acreage that is generally cleared and suitable for development. The R-3 zone is proposed for Hosner Mountain and the New York City Watershed. New York City has begun to purchase significant tracts of land within the watershed, which will further reduce the development potential of these lands within East Fishkill.

These new zones are expected to have beneficial impacts on the Town because they are more restrictive than the 1982 Master Plan. Compared to the previous Plan, fewer homes could be built, fewer families would move into town, and the comparative demand for governmental services would be reduced as well. However, such zoning may tend to increase the cost of homes. As a counterbalance, the Town is proposing an affordable housing ordinance.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan also reduces the potential build-out within East Fishkill's hamlets. The following table identifies the hamlets in the Comprehensive Plan and shows that by reducing the allowable densities, the potential number of units that could be built under the 2002 Plan is approximately 800 units fewer than the 1982 Plan.

TABLE 3 Proposed Densities in Hamlet Centers 1982 Plan 2002 Plan -------------------------------- ------------------------------- Maximum Potential Build- Maximum Potential Build- Hamlet Centers Density Out Density Out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fishkill Plains 2-3 units/acre 400 units 1-2 units/acre 250 units Gayhead 2-3 units/acre 250 units 1-2 units/acre 175 units Hopewell Junction 2-6 units/acre 2,000 units 2-4 units/acre 1500 units Stormville 2-3 units/acre 200 units 1-2 units/acre 150 units Wiccopee 2-3 units/acre 125 units 1-2 units/acre 80 units ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL 2,975 units 2,155 units* *The affordable housing bonus could raise this figure to approximately 2,275.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

The Gayhead, Stormville, and Wiccopee hamlets do not change significantly on the 2002 Future Land Use Map. However, A portion of Fishkill Plains has been rezoned to industrial uses and the low-medium density has been extended northward along Robinson Lane.

Hopewell Junction has seen some significant changes as the entire Mulford Farm property is now included within the CRD zone and land along Fishkill Creek and the MTA railroad tracks has been included within the low-medium density designation. However, the elimination of the PRD zone has resulted in an overall decrease in density for the Hamlet.

The proposed zoning changes implement the policies of reduced overall densities, slower growth, lower population, and increased environmental protection that are advocated in the 2002 Comprehensive Plan. The new residential zones, text amendments to the CRD zone, changes to the cluster subdivision regulations, new street standards, rezoning the PRD zone to CRD, and elimination of lot averaging make it easier for developers to design subdivisions under the cluster development ordinance, protect open space and increase the aesthetics of subdivision design.

The Comprehensive Plan recommends well designed subdivisions that promote a sense of community, while also meeting other needs, such as privacy. Additional local laws are proposed to regulate new flag lots to ensure the privacy of both the flag lot and the lot it sits behind. A 100-foot building setback is proposed for all properties adjacent to the Taconic State Parkway and Interstate 84.

Residential areas should also be protected from obtrusive elements, such as industrial vehicles (such as forklifts) and large commercial vehicles greater than three axles (e.g. tractor trailers and their cabs), or their components, from parking in front of houses or within driveways.

Roadway safety is an issue within all zones, and access onto streets from adjacent lots should be done in a manner that limits curb cuts and promotes safety. It may be preferable to have shared driveways (up to three lots), rather than have three access points in close proximity to one another or three crossings of streams or other environmentally sensitive areas. As a result, the proposed code changes would allow shared driveways under special circumstances.

Under the affordable housing ordinance, a developer is entitled to build one and one-half market-rate units for every affordable unit. This provision is included as in incentive for developers to provide housing for working households that may not otherwise be able to afford homes in East Fishkill. While the bonus would result in the creation of additional housing units, it is important for East Fishkill to remain a socio-economically diverse town in which teachers, firefighters, public employees, and other families can afford to reside.

Discounting wetlands and steep slopes also work to lower densities, but they also provide enhanced protection to environmentally sensitive lands by limiting development that may adversely impact these natural assets.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

The policies above are also consistent with the Greenway Connections policy framework

and guides. The five guides advocate protecting the countryside, strengthening the centers, improving the suburbs, building greenway connections, and improving site plans. Greenway Connections provides support for the goals of the Town's Comprehensive Plan.

2.2 Transportation

Between 1980-2000, the number of households in East Fishkill rose by approximately 2,900. Each household in town typically has at least one car, and frequently has two. Assuming 1.5 cars per household, the town added 4,350 cars. Traffic has become a significant concern for many residents. Many state, county, and local roads have not been widened or improved to handle the increased traffic levels.

New Roadways

The 1982 Master Plan called for the construction of a service road behind the commercial buildings along Route 82 in Hopewell Junction and supported the County's plan to construct a north-south limited access road (County Route I 1) that would have bypassed Hopewell Junction. It also supported a road between Stormville (Route 52) and Hosner Mountain Road. None of these roads were constructed, however.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan continues to call for their construction, as well as additional roads (see Figure 3). The 2002 Plan proposes a north-south bypass road through the western part of Hopewell Junction. This road would connect State Route 376 at the northern corner of the Mulford Farm with SR 376 south of Town Hall. The Plan also proposes an east-west bypass road that would take advantage of the existing Fishkill Road.

A new intersection would be constructed with Route 82 and then the road would be widened and upgraded to accommodate increased traffic. A new portion of the roadway would be constructed east of Route 376 to connect with Beekman Road. The new Comprehensive Plan also calls for a new road connecting Route 376 with Palen Road. This road would provide another option for drivers to avoid the commercial corridor within Hopewell Junction and allow traffic more options to flow more smoothly.

The 2002 Plan continues to call for the service road behind the commercial buildings along Route 82 in Hopewell. A portion of the northerly service road will be constructed as part of a new grocery store development that is soon to be under construction.

Together, these new roads will have a beneficial impact on the environment as traffic flows more smoothly, reducing delays and the pollution of idling vehicles. They will enhance the pedestrian-friendly elements of the hamlet center. A portion of the bypass road has potential wetland impacts. Detailed environmental study will precede any actual location of the roadway, to evaluate and mitigate any impacts.

The proposed road and street law amendments would not change the new roadways nor result in any type of increased traffic. The proposed amendments are engineering standards that affect alignment and curvature of the roadway, set guidelines for sidewalks, and define roadway standards. These amendments will continue to make sure that new roadways in East Fishkill are well-designed, safe, and have adequate right-of-way.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Taconic State Parkway

Traffic along the Taconic State Parkway represents another serious issue for East Fishkill.

Since the 1982 Plan, some intersections have been grade-separated, and the State DOT closed the remaining at-grade intersections. The 2002 Plan calls for the State to grade- separate the remaining intersections and to create a diamond interchange with Carpenter Road and a northbound exit from the Taconic onto Hosner Mountain Road. These improvements are necessary to maintain a functional, convenient road network without unduly burdening other roads. Grade separating these intersections will result in beneficial impacts as traffic flows more smoothly, reduces unnecessary driving time and mileage, and the danger of at-grade intersections is eliminated.

Any vegetation loss associated with the new construction would be minimal.

Pedestrians and Alternative Transportation

The 2002 Plan advocates sidewalks and safe pedestrian connections within Hopewell junction and centers that can support densities that support sidewalk improvements. The 2002 Plan recognizes and supports the Hopewell Hamlet Pedestrian Study. The Pedestrian Study recommends improved pedestrian connections within the hamlet and an improved pedestrian climate with more trees, benches, and safe road crossings. Encouraging walking within the Hamlet will reduce the number of automobile trips and congestion within the Hamlet. Although the total number of such trips that would be reduced is expected to be small, it represents a slight beneficial impact on the environment.

The 2002 Plan encourages higher densities in centers, relative to outlying areas, though the overall number of allowable units, and thus population, is not as dense as the 1982 Plan. Public transportation works best where there are higher densities, so the 2002 Plan is not as favorable as the 1 982 Plan to such transportation. However, the Town has sought to balance its transportation needs among private and public means and provide an equitable solution. The loss of some additional public transportation riders in Hopewell is outweighed by the beneficial impact of reducing the total number of a.m. and p.m. peak hour automobile trips by 705 trips, as the following table illustrates.

TABLE 4 Hopewell Junction Build-Out and Peak Hour Trips 1982 Plan 2002 Plan ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Potential A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Potential A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Hamlet Center Build-Out Hour Trips Hour Trips Build-Out Hour Trips Hour Trips Hopewell Junction 2,000 units 1,400 1,600 1500 units 1,065 1,230 Source: ITE trip generation equations using single-family detached homes as residential type


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

2.3 Natural Features

Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments will not result in any immediate changes to the soils, water, ecology, or air within East Fishkill. As a framework for future development, the proposed changes are in fact more restrictive than the existing laws and therefore, favorable towards the environment. For instance, wetland and steep slope restrictions will reduce allowable density in sensitive areas by 50 percent. Adoption and mapping of proposed residential zones, together with additional restrictions on the development of environmentally sensitive lands, will reduce the buildable number of homes in town by approximately 3,000.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan also recommends consolidating commercial zones and implementing Floor Area Ratios for all commercial and industrial zones. The proposed FARs would reduce the allowable commercial and industrial square footage by approximately 3.5 million square feet, thus limiting building size and preserving the Town's natural features. Reducing the number of new dwelling units and workers will also reduce the number of vehicles traveling East Fishkill roadways and lower future levels of air pollution.

Air Resources

Because of reduced residential density and commercial and industrial FAR restrictions, growth will be slightly less than in the 1 982 plan and air quality will therefore not be adversely affected. Lower densities will lead to fewer trip generations. There will be virtually no real change to air quality, other than a general favorable impact.

TABLE 5 Potential Build-Out and Peak Hour Trips 1982 Plan 2002 Plan -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Potential A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Potential A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Build-Out Hour Hour Build-Out Hour Hour (# units) Trips Trips (# units) Trips Trips Hamlet Centers 2,975 2,121 2,552 2,155* 1,561 1,897 Rezoning and Discounting Lands 11,475 8,032 7,688 8,350 5,845 5,762 50% 1 1 TOTAL 14,450 10,153 10,240 10,505 7,406 7,659 Source: ITE trip generation equations using single-family detached homes as residential type *Figure could be raised by affordable housing bonus to approximately 2,370.

The table above highlights the number of fewer trips generated within the hamlet centers. Lowering the overall residential density will reduce the long-term development of residential units by approximately 800 units. The savings from these 800 units translate into almost 600 fewer a.m. peak hour trips and nearly 700 p.m. peak hour trips. The table also compares the impacts of rezoning and discounting environmentally sensitive land by 50%. Three thousand fewer homes spread across East Fishkill, and in addition to the changes within the hamlet centers, reduces the number of a.m. and p.m. peak hour trips by 5,328.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Fewer homes to be constructed translate into fewer construction sites, less roads and driveways, and therefore less fugitive dust associated with construction. The proposed recommendations within the 2002 Comprehensive Plan are therefore favorable, albeit slightly, to the air resources of East Fishkill.

Geology, Soils, and Topography

East Fishkill has a variety of terrains including uplands in the southern portion of town dominated by the Taconic Mountain range and lowlands in the central East Fishkill valley. Development represents the greatest threat to the Town's surficial environment. Construction for new homes, roads, office buildings, and industrial parks changes the landscape, creates impervious surfaces, and alters local topography. Development within the Town has so far followed the 1 982 Master Plan. However, continued growth has created development pressures that require more stringent standards. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan allows development to continue within the Town but places greater development controls on projects.

The Comprehensive Plan rezones over ten thousand residential acres, recommends cluster developments, and proposes to lower commercial and industrial development by over 3.5 million square feet. These recommendations will reduce the amount of land needed for construction, thus having a positive impact on the town's geology, soils, and topography.

Water Resources

Within the boundaries of East Fishkill, there is an abundance of water resources. The Whortlekill and Wiccopee Creeks flow into the Fishkill Creek, which is the Town's main surface water feature. The Fishkill Creek flows east to west and is a tributary of the Hudson River. In addition, East Fishkill has a number of lakes, including Lake Walton, Hillside Lake, and Black Pond.

East Fishkill has extensive unconsolidated sand and gravel deposit aquifers. Two known high-yielding sand and gravel aquifers have been mapped. One is roughly parallel with Fishkill Creek extending in a NE-SW trend while a second mapped unconsolidated aquifer roughly follows Sprout Creek, between Route 376 and Route 82 (Buglioski, 1988). A third unconsolidated high-yielding aquifer is also known to exist to the west of Hopewell Junction.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Text Amendments will not have a significant adverse impact on East Fishkill's water resources. The Comprehensive Plan recommends protecting East Fishkill's environmentally sensitive lands including wetlands, streams, ponds, and lakes. The zoning code text amendment reduces the allowable density for sensitive lands 50%, thereby lowering the amount of development that could occur under the 1982 Plan.

The new residential zones have the effect of lowering the Town's potential maximum population by approximately 6,000 residents. The proposed FARs for commercial and industrial square footage would lower the total number of workers by 7,000. Reducing the residential and employment population levels by 13,000 persons would have a beneficial


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

impact on the water supply. There would be less of a demand on the town's aquifers to supply water, thereby reducing potential draw down. These reductions would have a minor impact, but a beneficial one nonetheless.

Vegetation and Wildlife

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments propose to rezone Hosner Mountain and portions of the Appalachian Trail from two acres/unit to three acres/unit. Agricultural zones that include hedges, grasses, and areas under reforestation are proposed to be rezoned from one acre to one and one-half acre/unit. Elsewhere in town, discounting environmentally sensitive lands 50% will reduce the development potential of wetlands and areas of steep slopes.

All of these environments are home to a variety of wildlife, including birds, fish, deer, and other small animals. Development can adversely impact vegetation and local wildlife habitat. However, this 2002 Plan recommends clustering homes, leaving large tracts of land in open space, and recommends reducing the development density of over I 0,000 acres of land by one-third. These policy goals and associated text amendments that implement the goals should therefore have protect local vegetation and wildlife better than the previous 1982 Master Plan.

2.4 Community Services

The proposed regulatory changes associated with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code Amendments will have a generally positive impact on existing levels of community services by limiting future residential levels and commercial/industrial employees within the Town. Additional residents add to the need for more classroom size, additional park and recreation space, and local governmental services. Additional workers also add to the demand for additional government services. Efforts to limit this additional demand should increase the effectiveness of community services.


East Fishkill is served by four school districts: Wappinger Central, Arlington, Carmel and Pawling. Most of the Town lies within the Wappinger District and most of the school-age children attend its schools. The Arlington School District occupies portions of the northern edge of town while the Carmel School District includes part of the southern portion of East Fishkill. Only a few households in the extreme southeastern part of the Town are included in the Pawling District. In addition to the public schools, East Fishkill has two private schools: St. Columba's Roman Catholic School in Hopewell Junction and the Bethel Christian Academy south of Interstate 84.

East Fishkill's four public schools all fall within the Wappingers School District. Below is a list of these schools and the attendance figures for the 1 999 school year (see Figure 2.1 1).' As the table shows, enrollment has reached use capacity at Gayhead and Van Wyck, while the other schools are very close to use capacity. The School District monitors enrollment levels very carefully and has accurately predicted enrollment levels over the past couple of Figures obtained from the Draft Comprehensive Plan for The Town of East Fishkill, June 2002.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

years. The projected trend for the school district is for enrollments to decline over the coming years, due to a nationwide trend of a declining birth rate and the number of families without school-age children that are moving to the area .

TABLE 6 School Capacity and Enrollment School Year of Use April, 2002 Construction Capacity Enrollment -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gayhead Elementary 1965 1,096 1,111 Fishkill Plains Elem. 1956 672 620 Van Wyck Jr. HS 1965 1,237 1,369 John Jay High School 1969 1,874 1,865

The goals and recommendations of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan and the Code Amendments have the effect of slowing population growth within East Fishkill and -lowering total build-out. Table I on page 4 shows that the cumulative effects of the Plan's policies are to reduce the total number of additional homes in East Fishkill by approximately 2,000 units. The affordable housing provision could yield an additional 240 families in town. Figure 4 shows a map of the four school districts within the Town.

The Arlington School District covers a small portion of northern East Fishkill. This area would experience no impacts from the proposed 2002 Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments. The Carmel School District occupies a large part of southeast East Fishkill, the area proposed to be rezoned to R-3, three acres/unit. The proposed rezone would reduce the number of homes in this area by approximately 900 units. According to The New Practitioner's Guide to Fiscal Impact Analysis(2), three-bedroom homes in the Northeast generate approximately 1.0 school age child. The Carmel School District could therefore expect 900 fewer students. That number would be even less, however, since the Carmel School District is within the New York City Watershed lands and the City has already purchased thousands of acres to prevent development. The impacts to the Camel District, therefore, would be beneficial, though slight.

The Pawling School District occupies a miniscule portion of land at the southeast corner of Town and would be unaffected by the proposed 2002 Plan and the Code Amendments. Most of the Town lies within the Wappinger School District and all four schools within East are part of the Wappinger District. The proposed 2002 Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments would result in a new reduction of approximately 2,000 homes throughout the District. The pace of new construction is difficult to anticipate, as it is dependent on other factors, such as land availability and the area's economy. However, the Plan and related Code Amendments would slow growth within the School District and reduce the future number of school-age children.

(2) Robert W. Butchell, David Listokin and William R. Dolphin, New Practitioner's Guide to Fiscal Impact
Analysis (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1989), p. 275.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan & Code Amendments

Map - Schools in town

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan & Code Amendments

Police Protection

The East Fishkill Police is a fully accredited municipal police department in Dutchess County responsible for covering the entire town of East Fishkill, which is home to approximately 26,000 residents. The Town is made up of over 180 mill, of State, County, and Town roads. The Town of East Fishkill Police Department is comprised of 25 sworn officers. This includes a Chief, two lieutenants, four sergeants, two detectives, and sixteen patrol officers, The law enforcement function is supported by nine civilian employees, which handle the 24-hour dispatching responsibilities, plus the necessary administrative support that is needed to run a professionally modern Police Department. The East Fishkill Police Department utilizes ten marked patrol vehicles, two unmarked patrol vehicles, two marked 4-wheel drive patrol vehicles, and four unmarked 4-wheel drive vehicles, all of which are fully equipped to service the community in its law enforcement role. The Department also has an emergency services vehicle, which is capable of providing crime scene, accident scene, and disaster support.

The Department headquarters are located on Route 52, at the intersection of Route 376, where the department receives an average of eighteen hundred calls/month for service, which are recorded and dispatched by the police assistants to the on-duty officers. The department is in the process of equipping the patrol division with mobile data terminals. These will enable the patrol and detective divisions to access the department's databases while out in the field. All complaints, investigations, vehicle stops, traffic tickets, arrests, and incidents are recorded by the staff in the department's updated computerized network system.

The Police Assistants are trained in the use of the New York State Police Information Network and in the department's updated records management computer network. The Department's civilian staff handles many tasks from answering phones to recording information, completing federal and state mandated forms, and supplying information to many different courts. They also perform tasks associated with any organization or business, such as payroll, supplies, and maintenance.

The Town of East Fishkill Police Department has been accredited by the NYS Bureau of Municipal Police for over 10 years. To achieve accreditation status, the department had to meet the required standards covering Administration, Training, and the Patrol function, which ensures a professionally operating law enforcement agency, The department has a firm commitment to the training of its 25 officers. There are eight certified police instructors, six bicycle patrol officers, five FBI National Academy graduates, four certified DARE instructors, three certified accident investigators, three scuba qualified officers, two certified EMT, two resource officers. All members are trained to operate three department defibrillators plus officers are trained in many other aspects of the law enforcement field,

This is all part of a commitment to maintain the highest level of professionalism, resulting in quality law enforcement service to the citizens of East Fishkill.

Fire District

The Volunteer East Fishkill Fire Department provides firefighting, rescue squad, and fire police protection. The Department is organized in accordance with the New York State


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

Fire District Regulations. There are special organizations within the District, including rescue squad, fire police squad, fire investigation unit, F.A.S.T. Team, Fire Prevention Group and Support Group in each fire company.

The Town is divided into four districts, each with their own firehouse. These include Hopewell Hose, Stormville, Hillside Lake, and Wiccopee Fire Companies. Two fire substations have also been added at Stormville Mountain and 1-84 at Shenandoah Road. Sloper Willen Ambulance Service responds to certain calls along with our ambulances to provide paramedic service to the residents of East Fishkill.

There is a training center located at the Headquarters site on Route 52. The training center includes classroom, live burn tower, live burn pad, and a breathing air fill system.

The Department has about 25-300 active members, though it has an enrollment of around 400. Our membership is growing constantly due to a service award program and an aggressive membership drive. The districts respond to approximately 2,000 calls/year.

The fire district has a variety of equipment, including:

  eleven pumpers - each carrying approximately 1,000 gallons of water
  three tankers - each carrying approximately 2,500 gallons of water
  one aerial truck with a 95-foot ladder
  four utility trucks
  one hose truck
  one squad truck
  one rescue van
  one fire investigation van
  one fire police van
  one hazardous materials transport
  two ambulances

Fully adequate fire protection is provided for the entire town, including the IBM plant, which has its own fire department and water storage tank on-site. Though no major problems have been cited, on-going concerns include:

*Response Time. The firehouses and sub-stations are centrally located to service the entire town. It takes about 5-7 minutes to arrive at the scene after a call has been placed.

*The Fire District is aggressively pursuing a reduction in the ISO (insurance Service Offices) rating, which would directly affect the fire insurance rates that the businesses and residents of the Town of East Fishkill pay.

Police and Fire Departments

The East Fishkill Police Department 'currently employs 23 full-time officers, including three sergeants, three detectives and the patrol division. Eight civilian employees handle dispatching responsibilities and provide the necessary administrative support. The Department has three certified D.A.R.E. officers, six bicycle patrol officers, four S.C.U.B.A.- qualified officers.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

The Town is divided into four fire districts, each with its own firehouse. The districts include: Hopewell Hose, Stormville, Hillside Lake, and Wiccopee. Two fire substations have been added at Stormville Mountain and 1-84 at Lime Kiln Road. Fully adequate fire protection is provided for the entire town.

The proposed 2002 Comprehensive Plan supports the adequate provision of police and fire protection to the community. The Plan and Code Amendments allow future growth to occur within the Town, which may require additional fire and police protection. However, the Plan and Amendments work to slow growth and minimize any significant adverse impact that additional residents may have on fire and police services.

Recreational Facilities

East Fishkill has a wide variety of public, quasi-public, and private recreational facilities available to its residents. Public facilities include neighborhood parks and public recreational areas that serve the entire community. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan encourages East Fishkill to develop its parks and recreation resources. However, the new plan discourages small, neighborhood parks and encourages larger recreational complexes. The majority of East Fishkill homes have backyards for children to play in.

Residents have come to expect the Town to provide larger recreational space, for soccer, baseball, and other field sports. The Plan recommends that the Town acquire large parcels when available and practical, and to coordinate usage with private recreational areas, such as IBM, when possible. Sharing facilities with the school districts could be another avenue for the Town to pursue.

The Comprehensive Plan also calls for the Town to work with surrounding towns and Dutchess County to build linear trails, such as bicycle and walking trails, through the town.

These trails would connect to other towns and provide a network of recreational opportunities for residents.

Encouraging larger, more centralized facilities will require families to drive to use the fields and equipment. However, the activities and facilities offered by the larger parcels could not be efficiently provided at the neighborhood level. There may be a slight increase in automobile trips to these larger facilities, but the impact would not be significant. Any congestion at local levels would also be avoided.

Water and Sewer Districts

Several large subdivisions have recently provided central water systems for new homes rather than rely on individual, private wells. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan encourages centralized water systems. Interconnected water systems offer a number of benefits. They require fewer wells than providing each house with its own individual well, the wells can be maintained and inspected easily, and contamination problems are minimized. If one well is found to be contaminated, it can be turned off while other wells provide water. The Code Amendments, although they recommend lowering densities, also encourage clustering of homes. These clusters are ideal for water systems, minimizing necessary infrastructure and providing interconnections with other systems.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan endorses a municipal wastewater system where densities will support its construction and maintenance. Additionally, much of the remaining undeveloped land in East Fishkill does not have ideal soil conditions for on-site septic systems. Centralized systems will become more common as further development increases. The Plan encourages the Town to consider a large, centralized treatment plant that will allow further growth and possible connections with the small facilities.

The Plan and Code Amendments recommend slowing growth and reducing total population build-out within the Town, thus reducing the necessary size for a central wastewater facility.

2.5 Cultural Resources

Any impacts arising from the Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments should be generally beneficial in nature because the Plan supports retaining the historic character of East Fishkill. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan endorses updating the 1984 Historic Structures Survey that the Town has recently finished. The Comprehensive Plan encourages overlay zones that protect the agricultural, scenic, and historic qualities of the Town. The proposed code amendments support the protection of the Town's environmental quality and seek to steer development in ways that will enhance the preservation of existing cultural resources such as active farmland, scenic views, and the rural ambience.

The 2002 Plan and Code Amendments have beneficial impacts for the Town's cultural resources.

2.6 Social and Economic Considerations

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan seeks to maintain a balanced tax base for East Fishkill. Figure 2, the 2002 Future Land Use Plan, recommends maintaining and increasing industrial land along Ryan Drive, Jackson Road, Hopewell Hamlet, Stormville Airport, and Fishkill Plains. The 1982 Plan did not include these areas. The 2002 Map therefore adds approximately 280 acres of industrial land. The Plan continues to favor high-value industrial growth near the Lime Kiln exit off of I-84.

The proposed changes to the residential sector would slow growth and lower the Town's total build-out. However, build-out is not something that will occur in the near future, and therefore does not represent a hindrance to development activity. However, certain properties that are rezoned to R-1.5 or R-3 may experience some decrease in value if the property cannot be subdivided into as many lots as before. However, because fewer homes can be built, the properties are therefore more valuable, and the market will adjust the selling price upwards, though not necessarily enough to offset the loss of one or more lots. The rezoning could therefore have a slight adverse impact on some property owners.

Because the market will adjust the purchase price of home ownership upwards, we are counter balancing this factor by including an affordable housing provision. The purpose of allowing a developer to construct one and one-half market rate units for every affordable unit is to provide an incentive to keep East Fishkill a diverse community in which working


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

families, public employees, school teachers, firefighters, and others can continue to afford to live.

The proposed zoning code amendments will also enable developers within the CRD zone to construct multi-family housing, such as garden apartments. These housing types are typically less expensive than single-family detached homes, and would help to provide a range of housing styles and prices for all families in East Fishkill.


After a thorough discussion of the various policies and goals of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan, as well as the impacts of the proposed Zoning Code Amendments, no significant adverse impact has been identified and therefore no mitigation is necessary.

The Draft GEIS has stated, however, that new home prices may continue to rise as a result of the fact that the proposed actions have the effect of reducing the number of homes that could be built under the 1 982 Plan. Though the rise in home value is not tied to the opportunity to subdivide one's land, but rather local economic conditions, we recognize that making houses somewhat more scarce may drive up their prices. To counterbalance this possibility, the Town could adopt an affordable housing policy.

The affordable housing provision would allow developers to construct housing units to be sold at lower than market rates for working families who earn slightly below the median household income for the town or perhaps the county. Multi-family units could be built as part of the affordable housing provision, if the zone allows that type of construction.


4.1 Irreversible/Irretrievable Commitment of Resources

There will be no irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources as a result of adopting the 2002 Comprehensive Plan.

4.2 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts

As described in the foregone discussion in this DGEIS, no adverse environmental impacts have been identified.

4.3 Growth-inducing, Cumulative, and Secondary Impacts

A potential secondary impact of the measures in the Plan involves the resulting price levels of homes in East Fishkill. The Town is aware that increasing lot size and thereby reducing the amount of homes in the area threatens to increase the price of homes. To limit this impact, the Town is proposing to create an affordable housing ordinance like that which has already been described under the mitigation section of this DGEIS.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments

4.4 Energy Use and Conservation

There will be a slight reduction in total energy consumption as a result of lower density, lower residential build-out, and fewer commercial and industrial workers.


The DGEIS discusses a no action alternative. This alternative looks at the scenario in which the Town Board chooses not to adopt the proposed Comprehensive Plan. As required by the SEQRA guidelines, this alternatives is assessed according to the same topics and guidelines found within this DGEIS and used to analyze the proposed action.

5.1 No Action Alternative

Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning amendments are legislative actions. It is possible that the Town Board will decide not to adopt the plan and legislation. The land will continue to be subject to the 1982 Master Plan and existing zoning conditions. Any future development projects would have to conform to the existing zoning law. The no action alternative, however, allows for a more rapid population growth, which may have potential adverse environmental, economic, social, and transportation impacts


This document is the generic assessment of Town-wide environmental impacts likely to result form the adoption and implementation of the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendments. in accordance with SEQR section 61 7.1 0, the generic impact statement must set forth specific conditions under which future actions will be undertaken or approved, to reflect site-specific impacts that have not been adequately addressed or analyzed in the generic EIS.

The 2002 Comprehensive Plan contains recommendations for specific zones and areas that have not been analyzed within this Draft GEIS but must be analyzed before they can be implemented. Some of these suggestions that will require subsequent analysis include:
* Site-specific location and construction of future bypass roads
* Drawing of an official town map * Consolidation of commercial and industrial zones
* Historic district overlays

Each of the above will require separate SEQR review based upon the completion of a long form Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), and, if required, an EIS.


Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement:
East Fishkill Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments


East Fishkill Town Board

Peter ldema, Supervisor

Ethel Walker, Deputy Supervisor

Richard Ferland

Donald Way

Peter Cassidy

Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc. , Planners
881 Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003
(212) 353-7474

Frank Fish, FAICP, Principal in Charge

Kyle F. McGraw, Project Director

Shani Leibowitz, Intern

Town Counsel

Cuddy & Feder & Worby, LLP
300 Westage Business Center
Fishkill NY 12524

Jennifer L. Van Tuyl, Partner

Neil J. Alexander, Associate

Town Engineer

Morris Associates
367 Violet Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY

Peter E. Hobday